I'm a pretty self-reflective person.
I like to think about why I'm doing what I'm doing.
I like to think about what I could be doing better.
I like to learn about others doing things better than I am.
I take a lot in.
Reading articles, books, newsletters.
Listening to podcasts, audiobooks, YouTube.
It's valuable if I process it or it's merely entertainment if I don't.
Journalling and note-taking is my go to.
Better yet is sharing the ideas with people.
What if I did both?
On timdaulby.com for example.
Last updated: 2024-04-19
Before going to university, my wife had lived in 2 houses, both in Oxford.
I had lived in 11, in 10 different towns.
My Dad was in the military, so we moved a lot.
I had to make friends from scratch in a new school or pre-school 9 times before I was 11.
It has made me resilient to change in a way that is unfamiliar to a lot of British people I meet.
Maybe it's the source of my proclivity for thinking outside of the box.
I love to re-imagine the world I'm in.
When I'm at work, if anyone says "we can't change that", I won't be convinced.
I'm happy to question every assumption (which can create some conflict...).
It's easy for me to suggest solutions that involve changing things no one else thought to.
Unfortunately it's often the case that no one else wants to.
One of the things I think about most is the church.
So you can imagine that I think about lots of changes.
We changed our small group, and that's going pretty well.
I ran a church internship, but on campus instead of in church, and that went well.
I expect you'll read about change and church a lot on this website when I have the time to write.
Ultimately, Jesus changed everything, so as long as he's leading, we can expect some change.
When the wind of the Spirit blows it ruffles some feathers.
I'm comfortable with that.
I will write more here in the future.
But for now I have other projects going on.
For example, I'm learning HTML and CSS from Head First HTML and CSS 2e which makes this website possible.
This website isn't a wordpress site.
It hasn't required any fancy tools.
Just static HTML written in TextEdit.
In the meantime you can
say hello.
Maybe you're wondering why "Me in 10 Minutes".
Well, until I decide what I want my website to be I'm just borrowing inspiration from Derek Sivers.